We are pleased to announce that registration for the 20th International Open Repositories Conference (OR2025) is now open. The conference will be held from June 15-18, 2025 at University of Chicago Lab School, Chicago, USA.
OR2025 focuses on the practices of the international repositories community to develop and implement standards, frameworks, architectures, and methodologies for open repositories to promote open science, research transparency, elevate underrepresented communities and open research for global progress and climate justice.
See more information about the program, keynote speakers Heather Joseph and Ben Zhao, workshops and more on the conference website.
Please register here: https://uchicagolib.regfox.com/open-repositories-2025
We’ve reserved courtesy room blocks, with complimentary breakfast, at various properties for your convenience: https://or2025.openrepositories.org/plan-your-visit/accommodation/
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the conference!
Local Host Organizing Committee
Gillie D. Abdiraxman-Issa, Adrian Ho, Tod Olson, Kirsten Vallee, and Rachel Woo (University of Chicago)
Open Repositories Steering Committee Chairs
Torsten Reimer (University of Chicago) and Liz Krznarich (DataCite)
Programme Committee Track Chairs
24/7 Lightning Talk Track: Chinwe Veronica Anunobi (National Library of Nigeria) and Michael Boock (Oregon State University)
Developer and Workshop Track: Urban Andersson (Chalmers University of Technology) and Yves Vincent Grossmann (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Panel and Repository Showdown Track: Matthew Carson (Northwestern University) and Maximilian Moser (TU Wien)
Poster Track: Nora Ramsey (British Library), Masaharu Hayashi (National Institute of Informatics), and Jwan Khisro (University of Maryland)
Presentation Track: Kristi Park (Texas Digital Library), Joe Krause (Colorado School of Mines), and Nora Mulvaney (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Website and Social Media
Website: https://or2025.openrepositories.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenRepos
Hashtag: #openrepos2025
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ORConference
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