Enjoy Chicago

Top from left to right: Museum of Science and Industry, Rockefeller Chapel Bottom from left to right: Shedd Aquarium, CTA elevated train, Below: The Field Museum, tunnel at O'Hare Airport

OR2025 Local Host Committee Recommendations

The Open Repositories 2025 Local Host Committee has put together a Google Map marking our favorite places to eat and local activities.

Hyde Park is a vibrant and historic neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. It is home to the renowned University of Chicago, making it a central hub of intellectual and cultural activity. The neighborhood’s charm lies in its beautiful tree-lined streets, historic architecture, and lush green spaces, including stunning Jackson Park, home to the famous “Osaka Garden.” Lake Michigan’s shoreline provides picturesque views and opportunities for leisurely walks along the lakefront during the day.

The neighborhood also offers an array of cultural attractions, including the Museum of Science and Industry, the DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center, the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, the Smart Museum of Art, Frederick C. Robie House, and Rockefeller Chapel. These institutions provide opportunities for attendees to explore science, history, and art during their stay.

Getting Around

Downtown is well connected to Hyde Park through several Chicago Transit Authority bus lines, including the Express #6 and the Metra Electric train line, which takes approximately 15 minutes from downtown to Hyde Park.

The international Open Repositories Conference has taken place annually since 2006, when the first conference was held in Sydney, Australia.

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