
Please note that the availability of the workshops is subject to change.

Wednesday’s workshop “Optimizing Metadata Discoverability: A Lean Six Sigma Approach” has been cancelled. Those who have already registered have been contacted.

Sunday, June 15, 2025 | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Discover and Create Rich Metadata with the DataCite REST API

Max participants: 60 (room capacity)

Persistent identifier metadata is a key resource for research discovery and machine actionability. When organizations register Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for research outputs and resources, the accompanying metadata is harvested to power search and discovery platforms and contributes to preservation of the scholarly record.

This workshop will guide participants on using the DataCite REST API to work with DataCite DOI metadata. Participants will learn how to:

  1. Retrieve DOI metadata: Participants will learn how to use the DataCite REST API to search DOIs in the DataCite Metadata Store, including how to construct queries, apply filters, and retrieve a complete list of results.
  2. Create DOIs with rich metadata: Participants will try out DOI registration in the DataCite test system and learn how to update DOI metadata, taking full advantage of the DataCite Metadata Schema’s capabilities.

Participant requirements: Attendees should bring a laptop. No prior knowledge of APIs or coding is required. For the portion of the workshop focused on DOI registration, access to a DataCite test repository account is recommended; this can be requested in advance by emailing

Sunday, June 15, 2025 | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

DSpace Developer Meet-Up and Q&A

Max participants: 60 (room capacity)

This half day workshop provides an opportunity for developers at institutions using DSpace to discuss recent DSpace releases, share what they are working on, ask questions and find collaborators.

At the beginning of the workshop, an overview of DSpace 9.0 will be presented, with a focus on features/changes that developers may want to be aware of. Early information on the upcoming roadmap to 10.0, as well as the latest status of DSpace-CRIS merger investigations will also be shared. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions about recent releases and the upcoming roadmap.

The remainder of the workshop will provide opportunities for developer presentation and discussion. Attendees are encouraged to bring anything they have built or are planning to build for DSpace. Demonstrations are welcome/encouraged. This is an opportunity to receive feedback from other developers or find potential collaborators. DSpace Committers will be in attendance to answer questions or provide tips/tricks. Committers will similarly share any new features they may be working on (or brainstorming) for future releases.

Participant requirements: Attendees should already have familiarity with DSpace. Attendees should bring a laptop if they want to share something they have built.

Sunday, June 15, 2025 | 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Data Repository Descriptive Metadata: Recommendations & Resources

Max participants: 40

In this 90 minute workshop, we emphasize the importance of metadata used to describe data repositories, with a focus on the re3data Registry of Research Data Repositories, and recommendations from the RDA Common Descriptive Attributes of Research Data Repositories. While some of these attributes are straightforward, others are more complicated to represent; thus, reasons they are more difficult will be summarized and discussion time is allocated. We will also cover use cases and applications for these metadata. An interactive component will allow participants to try re3data features and introduce them to the form for creating and maintaining records.

The target audience is data repository representatives who are responsible for maintaining re3data metadata records. A secondary audience would be users of data repository metadata, who may wish to perform meta-analysis about data repositories or identify fit-for-purpose repositories.

The workshop will be delivered by World Data System (WDS) staff. The WDS, an affiliate member of the International Science Council, serves a membership of trusted data repositories and related organizations. The WDS mission is to enhance the capabilities, impact, and sustainability of our member data repositories and data services.

Participant requirements: Attendees should bring a laptop.

Sunday, June 15, 2025 | 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

FAIR Metadata Bright Spots: Guides on the Road to Future Possibilities

Max participants: 60 (room capacity)

Since the emergence of the World Wide Web during the late 1900’s, many repositories have focused documentation efforts on data discovery to such an extent that the concepts “metadata” and “data discovery” have become inextricably intertwined in many repository practices. The FAIR Principles were proposed nearly a decade ago and have been applied in many contexts. For repositories, these principles broaden the focus from Findability to include Access, Interoperability, and Re-use. The DataCite metadata schema has over fifty metadata elements that support all four of these use cases. Repository support for these use cases in DataCite can be measured and expressed as metadata completeness. We have identified repositories that 1) are doing well in supporting these use cases and 2) have improved support during the last year. These repositories, termed bright spots, provide good examples for others and understanding their practices can help raise the bar for the new FAIR use cases.

Participant requirements: Attendees should bring a laptop.

Sunday, June 15, 2025 | Full Day

InvenioRDM Workshop

Max participants: 60 (room capacity)

The Invenio framework, developed by CERN, has existed in various forms supporting scientific resources and research outputs for over twenty years. The current form, InvenioRDM, is a next-generation, modular, turnkey repository and RDM platform supporting FAIR practices, research transparency, and discoverability. Both the back-end of and a free, community-supported open source software, InvenioRDM meets user needs by employing the robust DataCite metadata standard, powerful search features, ORCiD- and ROR-enhanced creator and contributor fields, and much more. Partners in this strong international development effort include developers, librarians, administrators, and other professionals in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America.

This InvenioRDM workshop will introduce repository managers, developers, system/software administrators, decision makers, and librarians both to the open source repository framework and the inspirational and inclusive international community that supports it. This full-day workshop will feature presentations from project partners on implementations, innovations, and customizations. It will also include practical and motivational community-focused sessions filled with real-world expertise and tips about both how to sustain an InvenioRDM instance and how to make collaborative contributions towards the community’s goals. Throughout the workshop, participants will gain in-depth insights into the software and how participants at any technical or institutional level can become contributing members of this dynamic community.

Participant requirements: Attendees participating in the workshop’s technical track are expected to bring a reasonably performant laptop (macOS or Linux, Windows not supported) on which they have administrative access (can install software) and have InvenioRDM installed, tested, and functional. For system requirements, please see:

Sunday, June 15, 2025 | Full Day

DSpace SEO and Statistics Master Class

Max participants: 80 (room capacity)

Whether you’ve just launched your DSpace repository or you’re managing millions of items accumulated over two decades, the challenges of optimizing for search engine crawlers and leveraging repository statistics to meet stakeholder needs are ever-evolving. In an era where next-generation AI-based crawlers demand more data than ever, repository managers need to stay ahead of the curve to keep their content discoverable and relevant.

In this engaging master class, DSpace committer and Atmire co-founder Bram Luyten will guide participants through proven strategies for search engine optimization and practical statistics configuration in DSpace. By exploring real-world examples and tackling common pain points, attendees will gain actionable insights to enhance their repositories—no matter the size or age. By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped with concrete tactics to boost discoverability, respond more effectively to stakeholder queries, and future-proof your repository in the evolving landscape of scholarly communication.

Participant requirements: Attendees should bring a laptop, have Google Analytics v4 configured for their repositories, and have access to their GA4 account. The Google Search Console must be configured for their repositories and participants must have access to the search console UI.

The international Open Repositories Conference has taken place annually since 2006, when the first conference was held in Sydney, Australia.

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